
Whether you’ve lived in your house for a year or a decade, managing the clutter can be a challenge. Though storing your decorations, out-of-season clothes, and miscellaneous belongings in your guest room closet may seem like an answer, many homeowners find that dedicated storage units are a better option. At International Self Storage in Anchorage, AK, the staff wants to help you declutter and organize your home.

They explain how storage units can help you keep your house comfortable:

  • Storage UnitsGets Rid of Clutter: Clutter can make even the cleanest home look and feel dirty. While there are bound to be some items you can sell or donate, you probably wish to keep many of the belongings you have around your home. Renting a self-storage unit lets you clear out your house without forcing you to get rid of the items you love. Keep them in storage until you have adequate space for them.
  • Lets You Organize by Season: Out-of-season clothes and holiday decorations can take up a lot of space, even if you pack them up at the end of each season. Placing those items in storage will help you stay organized throughout the year. Simply label the boxes when you place them in storage and retrieve them as needed. Reserving a storage unit will also free up space in your closet, making it easier to find what you need when you need it.
  • Helps You Adapt to Life Changes: Life has many surprises, and as your circumstances change, you may find yourself needing more space in your home. Rather than getting rid of the furniture you love but no longer need, place it in storage and turn that home office into a yoga studio or kids’ room without worry.

Storage units can help you stay organized without forcing you to get rid of the things you love, and International Self Storage has the perfect space for your needs. Visit their website for more information, and call (907) 563-3287 to inquire about their availability.  
