
Proper nutrition plays a crucial role in overall health. This applies to not only your body and mind but your vision. The professionals at Tri-State Ophthalmology in Ashland, KY, say getting the right vitamins from foods and supplements can improve eye health and reduce your risk of chronic diseases. These eye doctors serve residents of Boyd County and neighboring Portsmouth, OH, with a broad range of vision care services, including routine eye exams and cataract surgery, and explain how vitamins affect your eyes.

4 Nutrients That Benefit Your Vision

Vitamin A

In addition to helping you maintain healthy skin and a strong immune system, vitamin A provides many eye health benefits. It keeps the retinas healthy and helps you produce tears that keep hydrate your eyes. Quality sources of vitamin A include carrots, spinach, and sweet potatoes.

Vitamin B Complex

Eye doctor Ashland KYAll eight B vitamins play important roles in the quality of your vision. In particular, vitamin B1 helps to prevent glaucoma and B2 reduces your risk of cataracts. It’s also important to maintain a sufficient level of B12 in your diet because a deficiency can cause a decrease in vision. Milk, meat, eggs, and leafy vegetables are excellent sources of B vitamins.

Vitamin D

Vitamin D, which you get from sun exposure, is essential to many functions for proper health, such as strengthening bones and regulating calcium levels. A deficiency can lead to eye conditions like nearsightedness, cataracts, and pinkeye.

Vitamin E

This antioxidant, found in seeds, nuts, broccoli, and avocados, is essential for preventing cataracts. It also can reduce your risk of developing age-related macular degeneration.

Another important part of maintaining excellent vision is scheduling annual exams from an eye doctor. In the Ashland, KY, area, call Tri-State Ophthalmology at (606) 324-2451 to set an appointment. Visit their website for information about their services, including surgery and emergency eye treatments. Like them on Facebook for more vision health tips from their eye care team.
