
Finding bed bugs is worrisome, in large part because they’re notoriously stubborn to remove. At the first sign of an invasion, it’s important to contact a reputable pest control company to handle the problem. There are also steps you should take to treat and avoid the issue.

How to Treat an Affected Room

Clean Your Possessions

Crossville, TN bed bugsBegin with your affected possessions, such as bed linens and curtains. Each should be washed in hot water then dried on the highest setting. It’s also important to clean the floor around the bed, where they may shed their skins or collect within carpet fibers. Clear out any clutter in the room; otherwise, bed bugs will find their way into the mess and hide out. 

Treat & Cover the Mattress

Cleaning your mattress is more involved since bed bugs tend to congregate in the seams. First, scrub the corners with a stiff brush then vacuum it thoroughly. Cover the mattress in a fully zippered, bite-proof case after it has been properly treated. 

How to Prevent Bed Bugs

To prevent future invasions, there are precautionary measures you can take. When you travel, inspect the mattress and box spring in your hotel room. If you do encounter these pesky critters while you’re away, it’s especially important to unpack your suitcase outside to avoid bringing bugs into your home. Also, regularly check for bugs to catch the issue as early as possible.

Finally, recognize that bed bugs are a problem that only a pest control professional can eliminate. While over-the-counter products exist, they can’t perform with the same integrity as professional equipment. If you suspect their presence on your property, contact an exterminator immediately.


Advanced Termite & Pest Control is the leading exterminator in Crossville, TN. If you’re dealing with a stubborn bed bug issue, these professionals are available to treat the infestation quickly and effectively. Visit the pest control company’s website to learn more about the services they provide, or call (866) 636-2687 to set up an appointment today.
