
An automatic garage door is a modern day convenience most people rely on, and it isn’t until they are faced with a broken garage door that they realize the importance of maintaining the system. As with any mechanical appliance, your garage door requires some attention and upkeep over time to ensure it continues to run smoothly. By ignoring or foregoing maintenance, you risk dealing with more significant issues and paying for garage door repair down the road. 

To keep your garage door running at its very best, here are a few ways you can help maintain it:

  • Monitor Its Parts: The automatic garage door is more complicated than you likely realize, and it depends on a delicate harmony between each of its moving parts. Every few months, take the time to inspect the tracks, bolts, nuts, and fasteners for signs of rust or corrosion. Even seemingly minor malfunctions, like a dent in the track, can wreak havoc on the system and should be repaired before the problem worsens. 
  • garage doorLubricate It: Lubrication is a key part of ensuring your garage door runs smoothly all year-round. With its numerous moving parts, the system relies on being lubricated to perform its duty safely. Otherwise, you may risk grinding between two metal pieces, which is a certain cause for concern. 
  • Keep It Clean: Dirt, dust, and debris can all be major components in wearing down a garage door, so it’s wise to keep the system as clean as possible. When grime has built up on the tracks, the doors cannot move fluidly, so you’ll need to use a brush or broom to dust away debris every few weeks. Once you’ve removed all traces of loose dirt and gravel, use a cleaning solution like WD-40 to wipe down the tracks.


If you’re a homeowner in Maplewood, MN, looking to fix and maintain your current system or install a brand new garage door, consider working with the team at Great Garage Door Co. For more than 30 years, this group of knowledgeable experts has extended their expertise to residents who take the safety and efficiency of their most used mechanical appliance. For more information, visit them online or give them a call at (651) 486-0000.
