
Mouth tissue infections have the power to cause debilitating pain, especially if they reach the abscess stage. Dental abscesses affect the gums or the root of the tooth, with gum infections usually the result of periodontal disease. Both types of infection form pockets of pus as the body attempts to heal the issue on its own. Seeing your dentist as soon as you notice an abscess is the key to preventing the spread of infection and enjoying a healthy smile once again.

What You Need to Know About Dental Abscesses

Dental Abscess Description

In addition to the pocket of pus, a dental abscess causes severe discomfort. It may become extremely difficult to eat hot and cold foods due to the continual, sharp pain. Your lymph nodes will likely become swollen as your body musters its strength to fight the infection. Abscesses often feel like bumps or pimples on the gum.

Easing the Pain

Dentists recommend swishing warm, salty water in your mouth and taking over-the-counter pain medication to reduce dental abscess pain before your appointment. Scheduling an emergency dentist appointment as soon as possible is strongly recommended to rid your mouth of this pain and prevent the infection from worsening.

The Appointment

dentistYour dentist will drain the abscess before giving the area a thorough, deep cleaning. Known as root planing, this cleaning removes all plaque and tartar from below the gumline and the tooth’s surface. Depending on the severity of the damage, you might require surgery to clean the supporting tissue and bones. Your dentist will probably prescribe an antibiotic as well to ensure the infection does not reemerge.

Dental Abscess Prevention

Preventing dental abscesses involves seeing your dentist twice a year for a checkup and cleaning. The cleaning removes plaque and tartar while the checkup alerts you to any issues before they become severe. Maintaining your dental health at home is also essential, such as brushing your teeth twice a day for two minutes, flossing once daily, and enjoying a healthy diet that includes lots of whole grains, fruit, vegetables, and water.


Keep your teeth and gums healthy with the help of Four Corners Dental Group, the family dentistry facility featuring affordable dental care locations in Anchorage and Wasilla, AK. Call (907) 258-3384 to schedule your next appointment in Anchorage or (907) 376-2790 for the Wasilla office. Visit their website today for more information about services. 
