
A tooth extraction is a fairly simply dental procedure, and most people can expect to undergo this surgery at least once in their lifetime to have their wisdom teeth removed. Fortunately, the mouth is incredibly vascular, so the gums can recover from an incision fairly quickly. But there are still steps you can take to facilitate the body’s natural healing process after a tooth extraction.

Stay Hydrated & Eat Consciously

Once the bleeding subsides, drink plenty of cold or lukewarm fluids to stay hydrated. You should also follow your dentist’s advice regarding food. Consume soft foods like yogurt, mashed potatoes, pudding, and ice cream, and avoid foods and drinks that might dislodge the blood clot, like popcorn, nuts, and carbonated beverages.

Don’t Drink From a Straw

tooth extractionIt is common to drink smoothies and milkshakes following a tooth extraction because they make it easy to meet your daily caloric requirements when you are still on a soft-food diet. However, you should avoid drinking anything with a straw. The suction can dislodge the blood clot and cause painful complications.  

Take Any Medication as Prescribed

The surgical site will likely be tender for a few days following the procedure, and — in most cases — over-the-counter pain relievers are effective at easing any discomfort. Take medication before the pain kicks in and continue taking it every few hours for a day or two following the surgery.


In addition to the above tips, you should also take it easy for several days after the procedure — that means no rigorous exercise or heavy lifting. Additionally, keep an eye out for any signs of infection. If you experience excessive pain, swelling, or discomfort, call your dentist immediately.


When you or a family member need a tooth extraction in Manchester, CT, Dr. Tris John Carta will perform the procedure with care and expertise. The dentist serves patients of all ages and will ensure the procedure is quick and stress-free. Learn more about the surgery and what to expect by visiting his website, and make your appointment by calling (860) 646-2251.
