
Although standard cleaning services will keep your facility spic and span, the harsh chemicals can harm the environment, while equipment drains energy. That’s why the team at Kleenco Group suggests switching to more sustainable options. Based in Honolulu, the company provides commercial cleaning services throughout the Hawaiian Islands. The process of going green is complex, which is why they say property managers should have all the necessary information for a smooth transition. 

Below, Hawaii’s building maintenance specialists at Kleenco Group share a concise guide to making the switch to green cleaning services: 

  • Understanding Sustainability: To preserve the environment and reduce energy consumption, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency started the Safer Choice program. Cleaning products, spray-and-vac machines, floor-cleaning equipment, automatic dilution systems, and other gear is evaluated and tested for impact on the environment and energy-saving features. If requirements are met, the products get the seal of approval.
  • Honolulu-Hawaii-commercial-cleaning-servicesFinding a Qualified Contractor: Maintaining your facility is a key priority, which is why you shouldn’t leave the work to just anyone. When transitioning to green cleaning services for your business, work with a contractor who understands best practices for sustainability. The International Sanitary Supply Association has certificate programs in place to ensure contractors meet the required criteria to handle the job. 
  • Advantages of Going Green: High energy bills are a common problem many property owners face. Plugging in electricity-draining cleaning equipment contributes to the increased costs. Products with green ratings are designed to be energy-efficient. 

For high-quality, sustainable cleaning services to increase the value and comfort of your Hawaii business, call (808) 831-7600 today. Visit Kleenco Group online to discover how their commercial building maintenance services will keep your space clean and sanitary while reducing energy consumption. Don’t forget to like them on Facebook for news. 
