
If you suffer from decreased mobility and continual pain, knee replacement surgery may be a good option for you. To this end, the doctors at Orthopaedic Associates of Rochester advise their patients to be informed and know what to expect from the surgery so that they can have a speedy recovery. Located in Monroe County, New York, this clinic has a reputation for its compassionate health care approach, and as such, they’re here to answer some of the most frequently asked questions regarding knee placement surgery.

FAQ: Knee Replacement

How long does knee replacement surgery take?

Two hours is usually the maximum length of time it takes for knee replacement surgery. During the procedure, your doctor will make an incision to remove damaged tissues, and then the surgeon will replace the damaged areas with artificial pieces. These pieces are typically constructed from metal or plastic parts.

How much pain should I expect after the surgery?

Although patients tend to experience some pain and discomfort, it usually subsides after five days. Your doctor will prescribe you pain medication to help alleviate discomfort, and it should be taken accordingly.

What kind of rehabilitation will I need?

knee replacementProper rehabilitation plays an important role in your recovery. After the surgery, a physical therapist will assist you in bending and stretching your knee. You will also be provided with a walking aid, which you should use until your knee is able to support your weight. Your physical therapist will then determine how long you need to remain in therapy after the initial recovery weeks have passed. 

How long before I can resume normal activities?

While all activities should be cleared with your orthopedic surgeon first, most people are able to begin walking within several days. Participating in more strenuous activities like exercise, however, can take anywhere from 6 to twelve weeks.

If you’re in search of a skilled orthopedic surgeon in New York, look no further than Orthopaedic Associates of Rochester. For more information regarding knee replacement surgery, call (585) 723­-3000 today. You can also visit them online for a complete listing of their services.
