
Coming home to a flooded basement is not only a stressful situation, but it’s also a costly one. Fortunately, with a little preparation, you can avoid a wet basement and the expensive repairs that follow. Below are a few steps you can take to ensure your home stays dry and free from structural damage.

1. Keep Gutters Clean

Plant debris like leaves and twigs can prevent your gutters from diverting water away from your home. Clogs cause the channel to fill with water when it rains, and the overflow will eventually spill over and pool around your foundation. Over time, the foundation can develop cracks that lead to a wet basement.

2. Position Downspouts Away From Your Home

Keeping your gutters clean helps them direct water flow, but the connecting downspouts also have to be in good working order. The opening should be pointing away from your home’s foundation, so precipitation can drain effectively.

3. Inspect for Foundation Crackswet basement Westby WI

If you are trying to prevent a wet basement, then you need to walk around the perimeter periodically to inspect for foundation cracks. It’s also important to regularly check the walls and ceiling for damage. If you notice anything unusual, contact a basement waterproofing contractor to fix the masonry before any serious damage occurs.

4. Regrade Your Landscaping

Many times, the slope of a lawn or lack of drainage in a flower bed can cause water to flow towards the house instead of away from it. Regrading your lawn and adding drains helps direct water away from your home, preventing basement flooding.

5. Follow Proper Sump Pump Maintenance

Installing a sump pump is one of the best measures you can take to prevent flooding and water damage. However, simply purchasing and installing one is not enough to avoid a wet basement; work with a contractor to maintain the equipment, so it offers protection for many years.


Take action against basement flooding and ask Beaver Basement Waterproofing in Westby, WI, about their basement and foundation waterproofing services. Call them today at (608) 634-4880 for a free estimate. Visit their website to learn more about the wet basement solutions they offer.
