
Going through a divorce is hard enough, but having to fight for control of the house is even more difficult. Many people find themselves having to turn to a lawyer to get their ex out of the marital home so they can move on with their lives. According to Knochel Law Office in Bullhead City, AZ, with the help of their attorneys, there are a few orders you can obtain.

Kick-Out Orders

Your family law attorney can help you get a kick-out order provided you meet certain requirements. You need to have the right to stay in the dwelling and retain possession of the property, or the other party must have threatened or assaulted you or your minor children. If you do not fulfill either of these criteria, the order will be denied.

Orders After Noticed Motions

lawyerIf you don’t meet the requirements above, your lawyer can help you take possession of the home after going through a hearing and providing proper notice. You will have to go in front of a judge and prove your physical and emotional being would be harmed by allowing the other party to remain in the home. With this proceeding, you don’t actually have to be assaulted or threatened to get the order.

It is important to speak with your lawyer about the best course of action for your individual case and situation. You deserve to have a home you feel safe in. Knochel Law Office in Bullhead City, AZ, can help you get just that with their years of experience in divorce and family law cases. Visit them online or give them a call at (928) 444-1000 to schedule a consultation.
