
You probably haven’t thought about your septic tank in years, as a well-designed tank will make you practically forget it’s there considering they typically require little or no maintenance. But when things go awry, you’ll need to have a basic understanding of how your septic tank operates.That’s why the professionals at Queen’s Septic Tank Service are here to explain just what septic tanks are and how they function.

What Are Septic Tanks?

Septic systems are underground water treatment tanks used in areas that often don’t have centralized sewer systems. With the combination of technology and proven natural processes, septic tanks treat household wastewater from bathrooms, kitchens, and even washing machines. They remove bacteria, microbes, and other harmful contaminants.

There are two main components of a septic system: the tank and the drain field.  In the tank, solids settle to the bottom, and the drain field is where the water disperses.

How They Work

In the traditional septic system, gravity pulls household water into the tank and through the drain field. Organic matter such as grease and oil rises to the top while the solids sink to the bottom and become sludge, which a septic company will need to remove every few years. The water that flows through the drain field is naturally filtered through a series of pipes while surrounding soil cleans it by removing microbes.

Maintenanceseptic tank

Drain fields are particularly tricky to maintain. A standard three-bedroom-home needs at least 1,000 square feet of drainage space to keep household water clean, and the drain field must be level or lower than the house for gravity’s assistance. When soil isn’t optimal and lots are prohibitive, there are alternative system options.

If you’re in need of septic tank repair, call the professionals at Queen’s Septic Tank Service at (336) 434-1260, or visit their website to see their full range of services. Their team can answer any questions you have about septic systems and make the best recommendation for your home.
