
Maintaining a comfortable home requires a heating and air conditioning system, but not every house is suited for a furnace or central air unit. Thankfully, installing a heat pump can provide your home with the heat and cold you need without the major cost of running a furnace. Air One Heating & Cooling has been providing heating and cooling expertise to residents of the Foley, AL, area for more than 20 years. With this experience, the company knows the many benefits of installing a heat pump.

heat pumpA heat pump is made up of external and interior units. It works by transferring heat from the outdoors into your home and spreading it around through the air handler. The device can also help keep your home cool during sweltering days by removing heat from inside and pumping it outdoors. This dual purpose makes them perfect for homes that don’t need the power of more hefty equipment like furnaces and central air conditioning.

A heat pump also has the benefit of not requiring oil or gas. Eliminating these costly fuels from your annual budget can save a lot of money. Even better, they can decrease your home’s electricity usage by nearly 30%. Not only will you be saving money by forgoing oil and gas, but you’ll also be cutting back on your electrical bill. It’s a money-saving machine that allows for a greener, more economical lifestyle.

However, not every home is right for a heat pump, and weighing the pros and cons often requires an experienced professional’s help. Air One Heating & Cooling can help any prospective buyer decide if a heat pump is right for them and provide expert installation and, if necessary, repair. For more information, call (251) 967-1665, or visit the website today.
