
When you think of the perfect smile, what do you imagine? Most people see two rows of straight, shiny, white teeth. While cosmetic dentistry procedures can help brighten your smile, teeth straightening requires a bit more work — and a good set of braces. Residents of Oahu won’t need to look any further than Hawaii Orthodontist.

Whether you choose metal or clear braces, there are certain things you’ll need to do to care for them. The professionals at Hawaii Orthodontist are here with some tips to help you through the teeth straightening process and protect your oral health.

How to Care for Braces

1. Brush & Floss

braces-othodontist-teeth-straighteningThis advice may seem obvious, but the process is a bit different when you’re wearing braces. Orthodontists suggest using gentle circular strokes and spending a bit more time brushing to ensure there isn’t any excess food stuck around the brackets. Flossing may take longer than usual, but it’s an equally important step to keep teeth clean and healthy. Thread the floss between each tooth and wire, then slowly work it back and forth. Regular flossing helps remove any bacteria or excess plaque you’d miss with just a toothbrush. 

2. Steer Clear of Some Food

There are certain foods it’s best to avoid while you’re wearing braces. Your orthodontist will likely give you list, but in general, you should avoid sticky and chewy foods, such as candy or taffy, and hard snacks, such as popcorn or pretzels. You should also avoid foods you have to bite into, such as apples or corn on the cob. Use a knife to slice off the corn, or cut fruit into bite-sized pieces.

3. Learn to Troubleshoot

No matter how careful you are, accidents happen. Braces can break, bend, or snap — but some situations are more serious than others. A bent or loose wire needs attention, but if it isn’t hurting you, it won’t require an emergency visit to your orthodontist. However, if a bracket, spacer, or wire comes loose, or if a tooth is damaged or cracked, schedule an appointment with a dental professional immediately. As a general rule, athletes should wear mouth guards for protection during games.

For more information on caring for your braces, or to see what type of teeth straightening procedure could work for you, contact the professionals at Hawaii Orthodontist in Honolulu and Waipahu. Call (808) 947-3737 to schedule an appointment or visit the website for a complete list of services. To hear from satisfied patients, check out their Facebook page.
