
Although drains may seem like the perfect place to quickly and easily dispose of many things, this is not the case. Putting the wrong items down your household drains can result in clogs, cause damage to your pipes, and negatively affect the environment. The professional plumbers at Midwestern Plumbing Service in Cincinnati, OH, strongly advise against using drains as a trash can.

Below, the company goes over what to keep out of your drains to avoid harming your plumbing system and polluting the waterways:

  • Grease, Fats, & Oils: No matter how tempted you are to pour your leftover cooking grease, fats, and oils down the kitchen sink, it’s important to refrain. It’s common for plumbers to see the remnants of these liquids in a congealed state inside pipes, which causes clogged drains.
  • Conventional Cleaning Products: A good deal of the cleaning products found on store shelves are full of toxic chemicals that are harmful to the environment and your pipes. Even drain cleaners that promise a fast and effective solution for blockages can begin to corrode pipes over time.
  • plumberPaint: Paint is highly toxic and can wreak havoc on your plumbing system and the community’s water sources if dumped down the drain. It’s also best to stay away from rinsing paintbrushes off in the sink. Paint should always be disposed of by your city’s requirements.
  • Egg Shells: Egg shells are hard on garbage disposal blades, and the leftover membranes can get tangled up in the grinding component. Also, once shells are in pieces, they stick to other waste to form bigger clogs.
  • Coffee Grounds: Contrary to popular belief, coffee grounds are not completely water soluble. When they’re emptied down the drain, they’ll mix with the oils and grease already coating your pipes and create a messy backup situation.

You can save yourself quite a bit of inconvenience and costly repairs by being more cautious about what goes down your drains. If you need the help of an expert plumber, contact Midwestern Plumbing Service at (513) 753-0050. You can also visit them online for more information about their drain cleaning services. 
