
If you’re a homeowner with a septic tank, addressing septic tank cleaning is an inevitable necessity. Luckily, your septic technician can use a variety of methods suited to your specific system and needs. Below, the local specialists from Mark Cromley Septic Service in Lewisburg, PA, share the top methods used to clear septic lines.

Top 3 Septic Tank Cleaning Methods 

1. Preventative Pumping

septic tank cleaningPreventative pumping is a maintenance type of septic tank cleaning used to avoid clogs in the future. You should aim to schedule preventative pumping once every few years to keep the lines clear and functioning properly. Based on the size of your tank and the needs of your household, the frequency will vary, but a septic company can provide you with the recommended schedule for preventative pumping.

2. Hydro Jetting

Hydro jetting is a common method for modern septic tank cleaning. During the process, a technician uses a powerful hose to clear any debris and blockages from the clogged pipe. For most clogs and septic systems, hydro jetting is an effective and successful method of clearing out septic lines and removing stubborn sludge. Due to the use of a high-pressure water jet, hydro jetting is even effective against tree roots that have intruded into septic lines.

3. Power Rodding

Prior to the use of hydro jetting, many septic tank cleaning methods relied on power-rod techniques. Power rodding uses a device similar to a drain snake, but much bigger. During power rodding, a technician will place a large metal device into the clogged area. At the end of the device is a sharp, motorized component that spins rapidly. This breaks up anything in its path, including years of buildup and vegetation intrusions. After the material is removed, it’s easily flushed away with water.

For septic tank cleaning in Lewisburg, PA, choose the trusted experts at Mark Cromley Septic Service. The knowledgeable staff is qualified to tackle any project, whether you need septic tank installation or emergency septic tank repair. Visit them online for more information or call (570) 524-0249 to speak with someone directly. 
