
For many families, summer is a time for exciting trips and fun afternoons at the swimming pool. But it’s also when your air conditioning expenses spike due to increased heat and humidity. Fortunately, as the air conditioning repair team at April’s Country Air Heating & Cooling in Bolivar, MO, explains, there are certain steps you can take to keep your bills down this summer.

Air Conditioning Repair Experts’ Top 3 Tips to Lower AC Bills

1. Change the Air Filter

One of the simplest tricks for lowering your air conditioning costs is also one of the most frequently overlooked. In general, it’s recommended that you change your system’s air filters on a monthly basis to ensure clean air. This precaution also means that your air conditioner won’t have to work as hard to spread cold air throughout the house.

2. Use Ceiling Fans

air conditioning repairA well-placed ceiling fan can make a room feel several degrees cooler as the air circulation creates a pleasant breeze. If you don’t have ceiling fans in your home, plugging in a floor fan is an effective substitute. Running these fans during the day is much cheaper than turning on your air conditioner.

3. Turn Up the Thermostat

Nobody wants the inside of their house to get too hot during the summer. Fortunately, raising your thermostat by only a few degrees can reduce your overall cooling costs. The best time to use this trick is when you’re leaving the house for work or a vacation. After all, you don’t need to keep the air conditioner running at full blast when nobody is home to appreciate it.

With these tips, you can maximize your energy efficiency while staying cool in even the warmest temperatures. For air conditioning repair and other residential HVAC services, depend on the team at April’s Country Air Heating & Cooling. For more information, visit them online or call (417) 326-2771 to schedule service.
