
When you go to the dentist, you may be concerned about having cavities or gum disease, but you probably aren’t worrying about diabetes or heart disease. So you may be surprised to learn there are significant connections between these systemic conditions. Stanley R McCardle DMD | Family Dentistry diagnoses and treats gum disease on a regular basis in their Headland, AL, office. They focus on the big picture because they’re not just concerned with your oral health, but also with your overall well-being. But what does gum disease have to do with diabetes and heart disease?

The Link Between Gum Disease & Your Overall health

Gum disease is not the cause of other illnesses, but periodontitis is an additional risk factor for diabetes, heart disease, and stroke. More research still needs to be done in this area, but several studies have already proven there is a relationship between healthy gums and systemic diseases.

The underlying link between the two is inflammation. In other words, the inflammation of your gums that results in periodontitis can affect other parts of your body as well. When the infection at the gum level is eliminated, the inflammation throughout your body also lessens. That’s why periodontal treatment for gum disease can reduce the progression of diabetes and heart disease.

What You Can Do to Reduce Your Risk

gum diseaseYour oral and overall health is in your hands. By scheduling regular dental checkups, treating problems when they occur, regularly brushing and flossing your teeth, and refraining from smoking, you can greatly reduce your risk for gum disease, diabetes, and heart disease.

Do you know if your gums are healthy? It might be time to make a dental appointment to be sure. Give the staff at Stanley R McCardle DMD | Family Dentistry a call at (334) 693-2112 to schedule a checkup at your convenience. They provide exceptional dental care and comprehensive treatments, including same-day dental crowns that are made in the office. Meet the friendly staff today by visiting their website.
