
Visiting the dentist can be an intimidating experience for children, but, with help from adults, they can come to enjoy it. By adopting a positive attitude for dental visits early on, Pediatric Dental Group says parents can help instill a strong appreciation of dental hygiene in their kids. Having helped children smile with confidence for years, this Honolulu, HI, dentist for kids offers a few simple tips to make your little one’s next appointment a success.

5 Tips to Help Children Embrace Dental Hygiene at Their Dentist Appointments   

1. Start Dental Care Early

It’s recommended children start seeing a dentist as soon as their first baby tooth emerges or by their first birthday. While initial dental visits aren’t very intensive, they are a good way to set your child up for long-term oral health. As they grow older, these routine visits will be part of their normal health routine, and they’ll feel more comfortable going to the dentist.  

2. Practice Dental Hygiene Every Day

While you may only go to the children’s dentist twice a year, you should make dental care a priority at home. Make brushing and flossing a positive experience and encourage your child by partaking in dental hygiene routines with them. This will help them recognize the value of having clean, healthy, and strong teeth.

3. Schedule Smart

Children get tired, hungry, and preoccupied, so make sure to schedule their dentist’s visits during a time where they may be most comfortable.

4. Make it Fun

dental hygieneIt’s important to watch how you speak about dental care around your child. If you express fear of dental visits, for example, your little one may pick up on the negative association and become afraid of the dentist. Instead, use positive language to help them form a good relationship with their dentist. You can also make it fun by getting them excited about sitting in the dentist chair, showing off their clean teeth, or getting a brand new toothbrush at the end of the appointment.  

5. Be Present

While your child may like to be independent during their visits to the dentist, it’s important to let them know you’re there for them. By sitting next to them, remaining calm, and offering soothing touches when needed, your child can feel supported and be more likely to sit through the appointment comfortably.

Although there are many ways parents can prepare children for the dentist, it’s also important to work with a kid-friendly specialist. Taking a friendly and fun approach to kid’s dental hygiene, Pediatric Dental Group can help your child feel at ease when they come in for routine care. Visit them online to learn more about their dental care services offered in Honolulu, or call (808) 593-8828 to make an appointment.
