
Cultivating a garden is very rewarding, and it enhances the look of your yard. But, you might notice that you’re not the only one enjoying the fruits of your labor. Gardens often attract pests like raccoons, who like to eat the plants and dig for insects in the soil. Luckily, there are some humane ways of dealing with pests. Below, the animal removal experts from American Bio-Tech Wildlife Services in New Milford, CT, are sharing ways to ward off raccoons.

From the Animal Removal Pros: Top 3 Plants to Deter Raccoons

1. Prickly Plants

animal removalRaccoons have sensitive paws, so they avoid walking on prickly plants. If you’d like to ward off raccoons without having to call an animal removal service, consider planting prickly vegetation like pumpkins, squash, cucumbers, thistles, and rose bushes. If you want to be more strategic, it’s best to plant squash around the edge of your garden, which serves as an effective border against raccoons.

2. Plants With Strong Scents

Raccoons use their keen sense of smell to locate food, but because they have such sensitive noses, there are some scents that they avoid. If you’d like to try this tactic, choose fragrant plants like peppermint or garlic to keep raccoons away from your garden. You can even enhance the effect of this by adding peppermint essential oil to your peppermint plants, or by spraying garlic juice around your garlic plants. The stronger the smell, the more likely you’ll deter raccoons.

3. Foul-tasting Plants

Since most raccoons are wandering your garden looking for snacks, the last thing you want to do is have a fresh supply of their favorites in your yard. Instead, opt for plants that taste foul to raccoons. They don’t tolerate spicy food, so plants like Habanero or other peppers are good options. Likewise, they usually stay away from plants in the nightshade family, like tomatoes, eggplant, and potatoes.

If you need assistance with animal removal, reach out to the experts at American Bio-Tech Wildlife Services in New Milford, CT. From raccoon removal to squirrel removal, they specialize in using humane methods to keep your home and garden free from pests. Visit them online for a list of services, or call 860-355-1231 to get in touch today.
