
Concrete block foundations are sturdy and strong. Even so, eventually, soil and water pressure can cause the mortar to erode. The breakdown may allow water to seep into joints and hollows, making its way into your basement. In severe cases, the walls can even begin to cave in. Due to the porous nature of concrete block, it is also particularly prone to mold problems. To avoid issues down the road, experts always recommend waterproofing your concrete foundation. The professionals from All American Basement Waterproofing in Wadsworth, OH, have the experience and expertise to answer some of the most frequently asked questions on the topic. 

4 FAQs About Waterproofing Concrete Block Foundation 

1. What Is an Interior Drainage System?

An interior drainage system involves directing water into a series of holes below the basement floor. The holes are drilled into a row of blocks, which drain water beneath the floor and redirect it into a sump pump.

2. What Is Exterior Waterproofing?

foundationExterior waterproofing offers more robust protection against major flooding. A contractor will need to excavate at least six feet down along the foundation wall and install new drainage tiles or a French drain. Then, the exterior wall will be coated with a waterproof membrane for added protection.

3. Which Method Should You Use?

Both exterior and interior waterproofing work well to combat water and protect your foundation. Exterior waterproofing tends to be more time-consuming, as the ground will need to be excavated before applying the waterproofing. However, the results will last for hundreds of years. For a quick and easy way to mitigate water seepage, you may prefer to implement an interior drainage system. Ultimately, both systems are valid. Ask a professional which method is right for you.

4. Can a Finished Basement be Waterproofed?

It’s never too late to waterproof a finished basement. The process may require additional steps, such as removing and re-installing carpeting, but it can be done without too much hassle.

To learn more about protecting your foundation from water damage, contact the professionals from All American Basement Waterproofing in Medina County. They can help you decide your options when you plan to protect your home from water damage. Call the team today at (330) 464-0391, or visit their website to learn more. 
