
Wearing contact lenses is a convenient way to correct vision problems. They’re easy to use and available in a wide range of prescriptions, making them suitable for almost everyone. If you’re new to wearing contacts, the team at Progressive Vision Group PA in High Point, NC, recommends learning a few important tips to make the most of your eyewear. These experts have been solving patients’ vision problems for over 10 years, so they’ve seen a lot of advancements that make contacts more comfortable and durable. They recommend following these do’s and don’ts to protect your eyes.

Do Wash Your Hands

It’s important to wash your hands before putting your contact lenses in and taking them out. It’s easy to pass bacteria from your fingertips to your contacts and then onto your eyes. Exposure to dirt and other contaminants can lead to a number of health issues. Use an oil- and fragrance-free soap to avoid eye irritation.

Do Protect Your Eyes

contact lenses High Point NCMany people who wear contact lenses feel they’re easier to keep clean than prescription glasses, but dirt, dust, and sand can still collect on the surface and irritate your eyes. Invest in a sturdy pair of protective glasses or goggles to wear when you’re participating in activities that can create airborne debris, like gardening, sports, or housekeeping. Some companies even make prescription lenses for swimming goggles, so you don’t have to wear contacts in the pool.

Don’t Put Them in Your Mouth

It’s tempting to quickly dab your contact lenses on your tongue when they’re feeling dry, but this transfers bacteria from your mouth to your eyes. Even though some bacteria in your mouth is normal, it can be harmful to other parts of the body. If the lenses feel uncomfortable, use a contact solution to moisten them or wear your glasses instead.

Don’t Store Them in a Hot Place

Extreme heat will dry out and deform the lenses. Many people make the mistake of leaving their contacts in the car during the day. After several hours of sun exposure, the material will end up shriveled and useless. Even if your lenses are in a case, the heat can encourage bacteria growth in an enclosed container.

The best way to safeguard your vision is to practice these tips until they become ingrained habits. When you’re ready to order new contact lenses or talk with an eye doctor about changing a prescription, call Progressive Vision Group PA at (336) 841-2028. Visit their website to learn more about their services.
