
Most of the components of your home require regular upkeep, and the pipes that make up your plumbing system are no exception. With diligent maintenance, says the team at Silver Creek Plumbing Company in Garrettsville, OH, you’ll extend the lifespan of your pipes.

Here are four plumbing do’s and don’ts to protect your pipes:

  • Do Flush the Water Heater: Your water heater collects sludge and sediment over time, decreasing its effectiveness and damaging your pipes. Flushing the sediment at least twice a year will help increase efficiency and ensure you avoid costly plumbing repairs. 
    Note from Russ: If your water heater is older and you haven’t flushed it regularly, you may want to have a professional do it the first time when they are there for some other service. A drain valve that is not used regularly can malfunction Also, completely draining the tank without proper precautions can damage the unit.
  • Don’t Pour Coffee Grounds in the Sink: One of the quickest ways to clog the pipes is by pouring coffee grounds down the sink. No matter how finely ground your coffee is, dispose of all remnants in the trash rather than down the drain.  
  • Do Grind Ice in the Disposal: If you have a garbage disposal, keeping its blades sharpened is essential, and a great way to do so is by grinding ice in it. Flushing cold water down the drain while using it will also help extend its lifespan. 
  • Don’t Pour Hot Liquids Down the Drain: Some sources suggest pouring boiling water down a drain to clean it out—Don’t!  While hot tap water is fine, pouring boiling water down drains with plastic (PVC) piping can cause them to melt and leak.
    Tip from Russ: Protect your pipes. Turn on the cold water when you drain boiling water off pasta and vegetables.

For those in need of additional expert plumbing advice about their pipes, contact the professionals from Silver Creek Plumbing Company today at (330) 527-4819. You can also visit them online for a complete list of their residential and commercial plumbing services. 
