
In some locales, septic tanks are a necessity for homeowners, but most would prefer if this front-yard eyesore were a bit more inconspicuous. However, it’s imperative that any steps you take to disguise the visible components do not interfere with future septic tank maintenance measures or repairs—and cause zero harm to the tank and surrounding pipes. Below are some safe methods you can use to hide your septic tank.

3 Ways to Disguise Your Septic Tank Without Impacting Maintenance Work

1. Surround It With Large Potted Plants

septic tankYou should never plant trees, bushes, or other plant life with wide spreading roots near a septic tank, as the roots could eventually puncture it, resulting in a huge and costly mess. Instead, place potted plants near and around the access hatch or cap. This will prevent the roots from interfering with the pipework or the tank itself.

2. Use Rocks, Statues, or Birdbaths for Coverage

Using landscape rocks, bird baths, or small statues is an easy way to hide your septic riser and enhance your property’s curb appeal in the process. It is also much safer than applying permanent features like grass or topsoil, which are prone to freezing in the winter and could interfere with septic tank maintenance or sewer line inspections. However, opt for lightweight lawn ornaments that won’t compact the soil over the tank.

3. Camouflage the Riser

Instead of covering the septic tank riser, you can always camouflage it. If it is not already green, consider painting it that color so it blends in with the environment. You could also create a stone path leading up to the riser and adhere tiles to its surface. 


To learn more safe ways of concealing the septic tank in your yard, contact the experts at Bigfoot Pumping & Thawing. They provide professional pipe thawing and other septic services for the North Pole and Interior Alaska area. For more information about their septic tank maintenance and repair services, call them today at (907) 488-9855 or visit their website.
