
It’s usually obvious when your septic system is experiencing a problem. There’s no mistaking the smell and mess involved when a septic tank backs up into your home. Determining what caused the problem is a different matter entirely.

With more than 30 years of experience in septic services, such as septic tank pumpingChris Mote’s Pumping Service in Ohio warns that there could be numerous causes for your septic tank problems. If you’re experiencing a backup or another obvious sign of septic system failure, consider these common problems and their causes.

5 Common Problems With Septic Systems

1. Too Much Buildup

Septic tanks vary in size, and they reach capacity depending on the frequency of use and size of your household. If they’re not serviced with routine septic tank pumping, sludge can build up and lead to a messy system backup. 

2. Improper Use

There are certain items that shouldn’t be disposed of in toilets, drains, or garbage disposals if you use a septic tank. For example, products such as sanitary napkins, coffee grounds, and household cleaners can clog your system and cause a backup. They can also affect the bacteria that break down waste.

3. Tree Roots Have Broken Through Lines

septic tank pumpingTree roots are a common cause of septic tank problems. Roots can grow around and through pipes and septic lines. They can also clog drain fields, causing waste to overflow into your yard.

4. Unnecessary Treatment 

Sometimes, homeowners purchase enzymes and chemicals marketed to clean out their tanks, but they do more harm than good. These products can kill beneficial bacteria; if that happens, sludge multiplies and fills the tank to capacity.

5. Poor Design

Septic tank installation requires strategic placement of all components, including the drain field. Occasionally, drain fields are placed too close to homes. 

The septic tank specialists at Chris Mote’s Pumping Service have the knowledge and experience to perform proper septic tank installation, and their technicians can advise you on whether you should schedule septic tank pumping. Call (770) 530-2034 to schedule an appointment, or visit their website for more information.
