
A love of reading is one of the best gifts you can give your child. Reading in Preschool in New York City has a team of reading tutors who help children between the ages of three and seven develop critical skills that prepare them for success in kindergarten and beyond. According to them, children learn best when preschool reading classes are supplemented with at-home practices. Here, these skilled reading tutors explain three things you can do to help your child learn to read. 

3 Ways to Help Your Child Learn to Read 

1. Read to Them 

Reading tutors recommend that parents read to their children as soon as possible—and that they do it often. This shows them books are important and exciting. Take your child to the library and help them select age-appropriate books with lots of engaging, colorful pictures. You can also curate a little library at home that is full of their favorites. 

2. Help Them Sound Out Words 

reading tutorReading involves much more than merely sounding out words. However, it’s still an important part of the process. Assist them in identifying letters and numbers by pointing these out in books, signs, labels, and other everyday media. As they begin to recognize letters and their sounds, help them sound out simple words like “stop,” “go,” and “cat.” 

3. Ask Questions 

Discuss the book and ask your child questions about the story and characters. This will keep them engaged and encourage comprehension. For babies, ask simple questions, like “Do you see the dog?” Do this while pointing to the picture of the dog. Between ages one and two, ask them to point out objects or people in the book. Once they’re about two to three years old, show them the book cover and ask what they predict it’ll be about. As you read, ask them questions about the characters and what they think will happen next. Afterward, have them recount what happened in the story. 

In addition to at-home storytime, enlisting the help of a reading tutor can help jumpstart your child’s learning. Reading in Preschool offers a range of classes and programs, including summer sessions and private lessons in New York City. To learn more about their services, visit their website or call (917) 723-1159 today. 
