
Intergenerational programs have grown in popularity in recent years, as the advantages they hold for participants have become increasingly clear. School-based intergenerational initiatives bring together old and young people in educational settings. They can include anything from integrated playtime to “book buddies” partnerships. The aim is to promote interaction between seniors and children in a supportive learning environment, in a way that benefits both young and old.

intergenerational programA research overview by the UNESCO Institute for Education reveals some of the advantages of intergenerational programs. Young people benefit from an elder mentor, as well as the added support they receive scholastically — for instance, when they are paired with a senior reading guide. Various research activities examining students who take part in intergenerational programs have shown them to exhibit improved school performance, lower dropout rates, and better academic engagement.

Elderly participants also benefit. Their participation keeps them mentally and physically active, encouraging healthy aging. Studies have shown that seniors who take part in intergenerational initiatives have better self-esteem, higher levels of mobility, and even improved memory function. By combating the social isolation and loneliness that often comes with aging, such interaction with young people also promotes mental and emotional well-being.

Intergenerational programs are also essential for fostering a sense of community, encouraging cultural exchange and social interaction. This benefits all involved — from the participants to the educators and caretakers who oversee such initiatives. Ultimately, connecting generations is a simple step to take towards building stronger individuals and societies as a whole.


Are you interested in the advantages offered by intergenerational programs? Seagull School Adult Day Center in Hawaii has the expert insight. This facility includes a compassionate staff of nursing assistants and professionals trained to work with the elderly. You can find out more about this program online. To discuss enrollment, call the Seagull Schools main line at (808) 533-0004.
