
Being unable to work due to an injury or illness is a frightening, overwhelming experience, especially if you have little experience dealing with the Social Security disability system. If you need to file a claim, you likely have a variety of questions. Do you need a disability attorney? Do you even qualify? Below are answers to some common questions about collecting disability benefits and what they can mean for your future.

Common Disability FAQs Answered by Disability Attorneys

1. Who Is Eligible for Social Security Disability?

Social Security disability is an insurance program intended to support workers who have paid into the system. To qualify for benefits, you must have earned at least 40 work credits, awarded according to your earnings, and received a medical finding of disability from the Social Security Administration (SSA).

2. Which Medical Conditions Are Covered?

disability attorneyTo qualify for benefits, the SSA must find you're unable to perform any gainful economic activity at all, although you may work part time without compromising your eligibility if your earnings are less than $1,170 per month. Your medical condition must also be expected to last for at least a year or eventually result in death.

3. How Long Do Benefits Last?

Social Security does not offer short-term disability benefits, so your payments will last for as long as you're unable to work. If your condition improves enough to allow you to earn a living, the benefits will cease.

4. What if I Want to Work?

The SSA allows benefit recipients to experiment with working without compromising their eligibility. If, later, you are unable to work again due to the same condition, you may be able to start receiving benefits again without filing a new application.



The disability attorneys at Vincent Criscuolo & Associates in Rochester, NY, understand how difficult and complex the process of filing for Social Security disability can be. If you're unable to work, visit their website to learn more about how they can help, get more answers to your questions on Facebook, or call (585) 232-3240 to discuss your case.
