
If you're selecting building materials and hardware for your next construction project, one question you may find yourself asking is, “Should I use bricks or cinder blocks?” The two materials share many similarities in terms of strengths and construction methods, which allows them to be used for many of the same projects. However, there are distinguishing features to consider, which the hardware experts of Stayton Builders Mart in western Oregon have outlined below.


In absolute terms, the strongest cinder block is slightly tougher than the strongest brick. However, in this case, the blocks themselves aren't the real deciding factor; it's the mortar. For the strongest wall, choose a high-cement mixture, which can be nearly eight times as strong as a formula with more lime content.


HardwareIn general, cinder blocks are less expensive than bricks when creating the same area of wall. This starts with the material cost, but where the gap really widens is labor. Quality traditional bricklaying is more difficult than building with cinder blocks and can be more expensive.


Basic bricks and cinder blocks have similar insulation capabilities—both of which are less than typical wood construction. However, this can be addressed by using air-containing cinder blocks designed to trap warmth or bricks as a facade on a wood-frame building.


In general, well-laid brick is more attractive than cinder blocks. Bricks can be used to evoke a traditional look or can be placed as an accent on more modern homes, while cinder blocks tend to produce an institutional appearance. If looks are a concern, choose bricks.

If you still aren't sure which choice is best for your project, a good hardware supplier can help you decide. Contact Stayton Builders Mart today for questions and advice. You can reach them at (503) 769-7118 or send them a message online.
