
Maternity tests are used in a variety of circumstances to prove a familial relationship between a mother and child. Maternity tests are extremely accurate and may be used to answer a number of the same questions as paternity tests, including legal standings in court and immigration issues. The following are a few key instances in which maternity testing can be beneficial.

Peace of Mind

Maternity testing is a DNA testing service that provides many people with a great sense of relief. Whether you’re seeking to identify the biological mother of an orphan or adopted child, a maternity test will provide the answers. Concrete knowledge of this familial relationship can bring peace and acceptance to circumstances where there was previously anxious uncertainty.

Citizenship Help

paternity testingMaternity and paternity tests are recognized by the U.S. Citizenship & Immigration Services Department as viable evidence for immigration paperwork purposes. This proof of a biological relationship can serve as a stand-in should other documents prove insufficient, and can play a vital role in establishing nationality and legality.

Legal Assistance

Maternity testing can aid in resolving legal disputes in court, such as inheritance cases or social security benefits. Cases in which adoptive and biological parents are at odds over custody of a child can also be resolved with maternity testing, and they can also affect rulings in cases of disputed surrogacy claims.


Work with AccuDNA in Saint Louis, MO, should you require a maternity or paternity test, and put your mind at ease. The company specializes in relationship testing, including the establishment of siblingship and grandparentage. Call (314) 845-9997 to schedule an appointment or review the company’s services online. You can also like the DNA testing service on Facebook for more helpful information.
