
If you plan to crank the air conditioner this summer, keep in mind that it uses a lot of electricity, which drains energy and raises utility bills. That’s why the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency established the Energy Star® program. The initiative identifies and labels products that conserve energy and protect the environment. When people in New York’s Onondaga and Madison counties want to reduce their carbon footprints, they turn to Doug Mapstone for energy-saving air conditioning repair, installation, and maintenance solutions.

Below, the air conditioning contractor shares a brief guide to Energy Star-rated systems:

Requirements for Energy Star Rating 

Manlius-New-York-air-conditionerTo earn Energy Star status, air conditioners must have high seasonal energy efficiency ratios (SEER) and energy efficiency ratios (EER). The former, which accounts for the level of heat removed during the cooling season, should rate at 15 or greater. The energy efficiency ratio measures the average rate the unit cools a space, compared to the electricity it consumes. This rating should be 12.5 or more.  

Features of Energy Star-Rated Systems 

Energy Star-rated air conditioners are designed to keep your space comfortable efficiently. Although features and capabilities vary, many newer devices boast variable-speed compressors. They operate at lower capacity levels, meaning interiors can remain comfortable with little impact on energy usage.    

Benefits of Installing Energy Star-Rated Air Conditioners  

Installing an Energy Star-rated air conditioner will save you considerable cash in the long-run. The equipment doesn’t experience as many on-and-off cycle changes as traditional systems, which reduces the likelihood of malfunctions and the need for repairs. If you’re looking for more immediate savings, the energy-efficient products reduce cooling costs by 20 to 50%. Some systems are better for certain homes than others, so speak with your air conditioning contractor before you pick a product.  

To schedule an appointment for AC installation, repairs, or maintenance in Onondaga or Madison counties, call (315) 682-7181 today. A friendly representative will fit you in the schedule and provide product suggestions to improve indoor air quality and relieve allergies. Visit Doug Mapstone online to discover how the air conditioning contractor will make your cooling system more energy efficient, and like the company on Facebook for client feedback. 
