
Fences are a valuable addition to any property, adding security, privacy, and aesthetics. But there are a few things you should consider before you build. The fence contractors at General Fence provide residents of Elko, NV, with top-tier supplies and services. Here, the team explains four things you need to know before beginning construction. 

Fence Contractors Suggest 4 Things to Consider Before Building a Fence 

1. Determine Your Needs 

First, assess your priorities. Do you want a fence for privacy, decoration, or safety? Different designs and materials serve different purposes. For example, a tall wooden fence can shield your yard from the neighbors’ view and decrease traffic noise. A chain link fence can help keep your pets from wandering into the street. And a white picket fence is purely ornamental. Determining your needs will help you choose the perfect one. 

2. Select Materials 

fence contractorWhite picket fences are a quaint symbol of the American dream, but maintaining them can be a challenge. Wood fences are more susceptible to warping and weathering than metal, and painted wood must be touched up often. Depending on your needs, you may want to consider ornamental aluminum if you’re looking for something that looks great but requires little maintenance. If your chief concern is security, chain link may be best. These, too, require little upkeep. Whatever your preference, be sure you know the long-term maintenance requirements before committing to a material. 

3. Check Local Laws 

Your local government or homeowners’ association may require you to obtain a building permit or zoning approval. One advantage of hiring a fence contractor instead of going the DIY route is that professionals know local laws and can request the necessary permits for you. If you do it yourself, speak with your town’s building inspector and consult your homeowners’ association before you begin construction. 

4. Consider Neighbors 

Have a surveyor determine your property lines so you don’t encroach on your neighbor’s lots. It’s also courteous to discuss your plans with your neighbors, especially if you live in close quarters. If your neighbors have trees or other plants growing close to the property line, you may need to work out a compromise so you can build without disrupting their landscape. 
If you’re an Elko County resident, contact the expert fence contractors at General Fence for a professional consultation. They have everything you need from supplies to installation and maintenance. Call (775) 753-6077 to speak with a team member or visit their website
