
Your adult teeth are intended to be your teeth for life, but in some cases, a family dentist will recommend a tooth extraction to prevent painful consequences in the future—such as the spread of infection. Of course, your family dentist will provide local or general anesthesia to facilitate a comfortable experience, and prescribe pain medication to relieve discomfort while you heal. Here are a few reasons why you may need this procedure in the first place.

4 Reasons for Tooth Extraction

1. Severe Tooth Decay

Tooth decay that affects a tooth’s core—the pulp—can lead to an infection that’s difficult or impossible to treat with antibiotics. Your dentist may decide that extracting the tooth is the safest way to prevent an infection from setting in or spreading.

2. Periodontal Disease

Periodontal disease can weaken the bones and tissues that act as a support system for your teeth. This can lead to loose teeth, and those that can’t be saved must be extracted. Brushing twice a day and flossing once a day is key to preventing this condition.

3. Overcrowding

family dentistOvercrowded smiles are a common reason teens and preteens need orthodontia and tooth extraction. If a patient has a small mouth and large teeth, extraction might be necessary for the teeth to have enough room to shift into their proper place.  

4. Compromised Immune System

People with compromised immune systems, such as those undergoing chemotherapy, may have trouble fighting off an infection. A family dentist may recommend removing teeth that could become infected for a patient’s safety.

Should your family dentist recommend a tooth extraction, know that it’s a safe and routine procedure. On the other hand, proper postoperative care is critical to your well-being. Follow your dentist’s instructions after your procedure for optimal healing.


Anchorage Dental Center of Alaska has been serving area residents since 1964. This family-run dental clinic offers routine teeth cleaning as well as advanced and cosmetic dentistry procedures. With 25 years of experience, Dr. Driskell can provide personalized care to restore or maintain a beautiful, healthy smile. Call (907) 278-2521 or contact a team member online to schedule your appointment.
