
It seems like almost every family has to call a plumber sooner or later because of a problem with their toilet. While you may not be able to prevent your toddler from flushing a toy down the drain, the team at Don’s Plumbing in Canyon Lake, TX notes that your own bad habits could also lead to unnecessary toilet repair. Keep your toilet in good shape by never flushing these items down the drain.

The Top 4 Items Your Plumber Never Wants You to Flush

1. Dental Floss

A string of dental floss may not seem like it would cause a clog, but over time, flushing your dental floss down the toilet can lead to some serious plumbing issues. Floss isn’t biodegradable, and as a result, flushed strings of floss can easily collect to form a massive blockage in your pipes. 

2. Medicine

plumberWhile flushing medicine down the toilet won’t cause any problems with your plumbing, it does have a serious negative impact on the local water supply. Sewage systems aren’t equipped to remove medicine that has entered the water supply, and your flushed medications could harm the environment and local drinking water.

3. ‘Disposable’ Wipes

The box may say that they are “disposable” or “flushable,” but, in reality, these wipes are much too thick to go down your toilet. As with dental floss, continuing to flush these items could eventually cause a very problematic blockage.

4. Food

Some people think that flushing excess food down the toilet is an easy way to get rid of unwanted scraps, but this can cause major plumbing problems. The grease and oil will eventually clog your pipes, causing your system to back up. Strange smells are another reason to avoid flushing food.

When you need a plumber to help with a clogged drain or another household water issue, you can turn to the team at Don’s Plumbing. To learn more about their services, visit them online or call (830) 964-4477.
