
If you haven’t had an oil change in the last 2,000-4,000 miles, then it’s time to schedule an auto maintenance inspection. Changing your oil is crucial to keeping all your car’s moving parts in working order and extending the life of your vehicle. That’s why the mechanics at Beamer Tire & Auto Repair recommend carefully choosing the right oil for your automobile based on the make and model, as well as your driving habits.

Before you purchase the cheapest available product for your oil change, consider the following three tips:

1. Check Your Owner’s Manual 

Every vehicle on the market will require a different type of oil, so it’s important to read your owner’s manual to find out what the manufacturer recommends. Specifically, look up the viscosity that’s suitable for your vehicle’s average operating temperature.

oil change2. Read the Labels 

With so many varieties of motor oil to choose from, do take the time to compare brand quality before settling on a purchase. For instance, reputable oils will list the acronym “SL” to indicate approval by the American Petroleum Institute. Labels will also include the viscosity number, as determined by the Society of Automotive Engineers.

3. Choose Synthetic or Conventional

Another component to look out for in your owner’s manual is whether your engine requires conventional or synthetic oil. Conventional oil is the industry standard, but high-tech cars like Corvettes and Mercedes-Benz may call for full synthetics. There are also synthetic blend and higher-mileage oils, made for older vehicles that need a higher level of viscosity.

Knowing what to select for your oil change will guarantee the most value for the price. When in doubt, you can depend on the experts at Beamer Tire & Auto Repair in Greensboro, NC, to walk you through the process. To schedule an inspection, call (336) 663-7351 in Greensboro and (336) 882-7043 in High Point or visit them online for a complete list of auto services.
