
Although babies don’t necessarily need to see a pediatric dentist until their first tooth comes in, good oral hygiene starts at birth. As a parent, it’s up to you to take care of your child’s gums, teeth, and tongue to ensure a healthy mouth. Fortunately, the friendly team at Pediatric Dentistry Kahala in Honolulu, HI, offers some guidance for new parents.

How to Care for Your Baby’s Teeth From a Pediatric Dentist

Birth to Six Months Old

pediatric dentistYou can promote good oral health from birth by practicing certain habits to prevent future decay. For example, you should always clean an infant’s gums after feeding with a moistened washcloth. Avoid putting your baby to sleep with a bottle because it can cause extensive decay. And since most children start teething when they’re between four and six months old, make sure you have a few teething rings on hand to ease the symptoms when they do arise.

Six to 12 Months Old

The first tooth typically erupts between six and 12 months old. Continue cleaning your child’s gums after every feeding by massaging the gum tissue gently with a wet washcloth. You should also use a child’s soft-bristled brush — with no toothpaste — to clean any teeth that erupt. Now is the time to schedule your child’s first dental appointment, as well.

12 to 18 Months Old

As more teeth come in, make sure you continue brushing them gently with plain water twice a day. Examine your child’s teeth as you brush them to check for signs of decay, which might look like small white or brown spots on the enamel. If you notice any signs of decay, schedule a dental exam as soon as possible. Otherwise, bring your child in for a professional cleaning once every six months.

If you need to schedule your child’s first dental visit with a pediatric dentist, call Pediatric Dentistry Kahala in Honolulu, HI, at (808) 737-0076. To learn more about their quality pediatric dental care and for more great preventative care options such as sealants and fluoride supplements, visit their website
