
Many adults have severe phobias that keep them from receiving the dental care they need. While most adults realize seeing the dentist on a regular basis is essential for good oral health, fear of pain associated with dental procedures is a serious problem for thousands of people. If you’re avoiding the dentist because of fear or anxiety, here are a few facts to put your mind at ease.

How You Can Overcome Fear of the Dentist

Not All Dentists Are the Same

dentistDental phobias rarely develop out of nowhere. They’re often triggered by a particularly bad experience that left the person shaken and unwilling to repeat what they went through. While dentists can’t always keep certain dental services from being painful or unpleasant, there is no excuse for putting a patient through a traumatizing experience.

The good news is, most dentists care a great deal about making their patients feel comfortable. If you suffer from dental phobia, find a dentist you connect with on a personal level. Have a discussion with them outside of the big dental chair to talk about your fears. Listen to what they have to say and book an appointment only when you feel confident they have your best interests in mind.

Sedation Dentistry Is Always an Option

If the idea of undergoing dental treatment worries you regardless of the doctor, you still have options. Sedation is commonly used by dentists as a safe and effective kind of anesthesia. Localized injections can be used to numb the mouth, but sedation dentistry works by injecting drugs directly into the bloodstream. Most people report feeling like they slept through the entire procedure. It’ll leave you calm and relaxed, and by the time you wake up, you’re ready to go home.

According to Colgate, up to 15% of adult Americans avoid seeing the dentist because of fear. Remember, you’re not alone.

If you struggle with dental phobia, the compassionate staff at James Julien, D.D.S., in Kenai, AK, wants to help. Call (907) 283-4857 to speak with a dentist, or visit their website for more information on their dental services.
