
If you have a child that’s teething, it’s time to start thinking about scheduling them for a dental visit. Family dentists recommend that toddlers have their initial dental appointment shortly after their first teeth erupt. This essential step toward a lifetime of excellent oral health doesn’t have to be a scary experience. If you’re worried about how your child will react to being in the dentist’s chair, there are a few things you can do to help them get ready.

3 Tips for Your Child’s First Visit to the Family Dentist

Talk About Their Teeth

family dentistChildren are never too young to start learning about their teeth. They’re likely curious about what’s going on inside their mouths, and it’s up to parents to start the conversation. You don’t have to break out the dental textbooks for a detailed description of their newly visible teeth—your child will benefit from a simple understanding of what cavities are and why it’s important to keep teeth clean and healthy. Introduce them to brushing and oral health as soon as they acquire teeth, and let them know that dentists are there to help.

Be Aware of Your Attitude

Kids are more observant than you think. They pick up on words and are extremely perceptive to your emotions and attitude. If you’re stressed, they’ll likely follow your example. The best thing you can do is be relaxed and calm when talking about the dentist and in the moments leading up to the appointment. Keep everything positive, and if you’re worried, don’t let them know it.

Choose the Right Dentist

If you’re having trouble keeping things positive, being confident with your choice in a dentist will help. You should feel 100% comfortable in their care and trust them to be kind and gentle with your child. Do your research and find an office with an experienced doctor and a reputation for being good with kids—it's important for your child to start their journey toward a healthy smile on the right foot. 



If you’re planning for their first appointment, talk to the staff at High Point Smile Dentistry in North Carolina. They’ll make your child’s first meeting with a family dentist a positive experience. Call them at (336) 884-4000 or visit their website for more information.
