
All of the extra activity that comes with summer takes a heavy toll on your home’s indoor plumbing. The additional water demands can lead to unexpected issues and leaks. To help you avoid issues, Midwestern Plumbing Services, Cincinnati, OH’s top plumber, recommends taking a few simple precautions to get your home ready for the change in season.

How to Prepare Your Home’s Plumbing for Summer

Address Any Existing Issues

It’s easy for your social calendar to fill up during this time of year with all of the weekend sporting events, pool parties, and backyard barbecues that come with summertime. Don’t let troublesome home repairs interfere with your plans by addressing issues in advance. Have you had a leaking faucet all winter or discovered a newly clogged drain? Now’s the time to call a plumber for a fix.

Assess All Valves & Hoses

Hot and dry weather means using a sprinkler to water your lawn, and extra outdoor activities mean more frequent showering and laundry. This creates a burden on your home’s plumbing system. A good plumber will suggest that one of best ways to avoid issues is to check your home’s hoses and valves before your water demands increase. Make sure that all of the hoses are connected tightly and show no signs of damage, and check all valves to ensure they are open and functioning.

Check Water Pressure

plumberToo much pressure in your water lines puts your entire plumbing system under strain, causing appliances like faucets, water heaters, and toilets to function incorrectly. Over-pressurized water systems will also shorten the life span of your washing machine and dishwasher. Check your home’s water pressure, and, if it reads higher than 80psi, hire a professional plumber to install a pressure regulator.

Inspect the Water Heater

Because the need for hot water is less during the peak of summer, this is a great time to perform maintenance on your water heater. Start by draining the tank, then inspect each of the heater’s mechanical elements for signs of wear and tear. Hire a professional plumber to replace or repair any specialty parts that may be worn out.

Prepare for Vacation

Do you have a big trip planned this summer? Include plumbing in your pre-departure preparations. To prevent your vacation being ruined by water leaks, burst pipes, or valve failures, turn off your home’s main shut-off valve before leaving for an extended trip. If you’re not sure where to find this, contact a professional plumber for assistance.

For additional help maintaining your home’s plumbing, contact Midwestern Plumbing Services. Based in Amelia, OH, they’ve served homeowners and businesses throughout the Greater Cincinnati area for over 35 years. To learn more about their extensive offerings, including their 24-hour plumber service, visit their website, or call (513) 753-0050.
