
Platelet Rich Plasma, or PRP therapy, makes use of an efficient, non-surgical injection of the patient’s own platelets to address cosmetic complaints. The professionals at Aesthetic Institute of Atlantis in Florida utilize this cutting-edge technique for the purposes of facial rejuvenation as well as encouraging hair growth. Here, they answer some of the most frequently asked questions patients have about this treatment.

Your Questions Answered: PRP Therapy for Facial Rejuvenation & Hair Growth

How Does the Therapy Work?

PRP therapy makes use of the patient’s own blood. A small sample is taken, and a centrifuge is used to separate the platelets from other components of the blood. These platelets, which are rich in the building blocks the body uses to rebuild tissue, are then reintroduced into the body with a small needle.

What Can PRP Therapy Accomplish?

facial rejuvenationPRP facial treatments, also known as vampire facials, boost collagen renewal for a rejuvenating effect. Patients enjoy smoother skin and a younger appearance afterward. PRP treatments for hair re-growth work similarly except that platelets are injected into the scalp — not the face — in order to stimulate hair follicles.

How Long Does a Session Take?

A PRP facial rejuvenation session takes 45 minutes to an hour at most. The effects will be seen gradually as the platelets get to work in the body. PRP therapy makes for a very natural effect; this is one reason for its increasing popularity.

Is it Safe?

While its use for cosmetic purposes is more recent, PRP therapy has been safely used in the medical and surgical fields for many years. It’s a safe and natural procedure that makes use of your body’s own materials, not introducing any synthetic substances.

Are You a Candidate?

If you have a history of heavy smoking or significant drug or alcohol use, PRP therapy is not advised. Medical issues like platelet dysfunction syndrome, anti-coagulation disorders, or metabolic issues can also rule you out. If you’re not sure whether you quality, talk to a doctor.

If you’re interested in PRP therapy in Florida, the medical professionals of Aesthetic Institute of Atlantis will advise you. They offer PRP therapy for facial rejuvenation and hair growth. You can learn more about their full array of services online, and call (561) 969-1777 to schedule a consultation.
