
Sometimes proper care and teeth whitening just aren’t enough to revitalize a smile. Stains and gaps can be embarrassing, and veneers are a fantastic solution. Painless, easy to care for, and convenient, veneers can bring a smile back to life with little-to-no effort. Dentists at Kemper Pond Dental in Springdale, Ohio, recommend them as a cosmetic procedure and are here to explain the specifics, including benefits and stipulations.

What’s a Veneer?

The best way to define veneers is a cover for your teeth. Unlike crowns and bridges, veneers are custom-made, usually from porcelain, and applied to the front of a tooth. This makes the procedure seamless and completely covers any stains. To create veneers, a dentist will take a mold of the teeth you’d like a veneer applied to. They will then craft a cover matching the contour of your teeth. The shape of the veneer can also extend or vary if you want it to cover any gaps or help with alignment. The procedure is painless and only requires the dentist to apply the veneers with cosmetic bonding. This usually lasts no more than 60 seconds alongside pre- and post-cleaning techniques to prepare and secure the area.

veneers-kemper-pond-dental Why Are Veneers Better?

These benefits make veneers a great alternative to more complex cosmetic dentistry procedures. However, they still require dedicated at-home care. Dentists typically advise veneers are to be cleaned the same as your natural teeth, though you may want to discuss which type of toothpaste and toothbrush to use. Veneers are permanent, so it’s important to take care of them. They can last between 10 and 20 years if you properly clean and protect them, keeping your smile bright and aligned.

Don’t let your teeth lower your self-confidence. If you’re interested in exploring veneers as a solution to stains, gaps, or misalignment, turn to the dental professionals at Kemper Pond Dental. Their team offers comprehensive cosmetic dentistry care and can advise if veneers are right for you. Call (513) 531-4069 today to schedule an appointment and visit their website and Facebook to learn more about their other services.
