
When properly installed and maintained, septic systems have numerous advantages over a public sewer system. With a septic tank, homeowners can avoid sewer line costs and make sure their waste is properly treated on site. They are also responsible for maintenance, which should include having the tank pumped regularly. Here, Zook’s Septic Services of Middleburg, PA, explains why this task is so vital.

3 Reasons Why You Should Pump Your Septic Tank Regularly

1. Prevent Backups

When a septic tank isn’t properly maintained, it can cause serious sewage backups in your home. Your toilets, sinks, and other drains may be blocked, and sewage can even enter your home. Not only can this bring a very unpleasant stench, but there can also be serious health ramifications. Sewage carries diseases and can invite unwanted pests. Avoid such scenarios by having your tank pumped regularly.

2. Keep It Running Smoothly

septic tankNot only can regular septic tank pumping prevent backups, but it also keeps the whole system running smoothly. If problems are ignored, significant and costly damage can occur. This may require you to completely replace the system if the issues go on long enough. 

3. Protect the Environment

Sometimes, an untreated septic tank can cause waste and toxins to leach into the soil. At the worst, these toxins can seep into the water table and contaminate your home’s well water and your neighbors’. At the least, it can damage the local plants and wildlife. For the sake of the environment and your health, get your tank pumped regularly.

The frequency at which your septic tank needs to be pumped will depend on how large it is and how much water your household consumes. However, the general rule is it needs to be done every three to five years. Using state-of-the-art equipment, Zook’s Septic Services’ primary concerns are caring for your home and the environment. They provide septic tank inspections, cleaning, and even emergency services. Contact them today at (570) 837-1466 to set up an appointment, and learn more on their website.
