
Lower back pain impacts countless people across the world. Fortunately, you have options when it comes to finding relief from your discomfort. O'Fallon Pain Relief Associates in St. Charles County, MO, offers a variety of lower back pain treatments including chiropractic care, physical therapy and rehabilitation, and medication. This experienced pain management team works hard to understand the causes of their patients’ physical conditions, so they can create an effective plan. Below, they describe three common situations that require lower back pain treatment.

1. Muscle Strain

Sudden movements, lifting heavy objects, and poor posture can all lead to muscle strain. This type of injury is also common in sports that involve physical contact or frequent twisting of the torso. Straining a lower back muscle can happen quickly, but the pain isn’t always instantaneous. In some cases, it sets in gradually and gets more intense and debilitating over time.

2. Bulging Disc

lower back pain treatment O'Fallon MOA bulging disc can occur anywhere throughout the spine, but it is most common in the lower back region. This condition typically doesn’t present an issue unless the disc compresses a nerve or the spinal column itself, causing a significant amount of discomfort or numbness. Physical therapy and chiropractic care can be effective forms of lower back pain treatment for bulging discs.

3. Degenerative Disc Disease

Over time, the discs of the spine can begin to break down, losing essential fluids that help them stay hydrated and lubricated. Spinal discs can tear or become herniated as a result; both of these conditions are known to cause intense pain in the lower back area. If degenerative disc disease is disrupting your life, a pain management professional can help you explore your options to treat the discomfort you’re experiencing now and limit further damage.

Lower back pain can impair your ability to live your life to the fullest, but the right treatment plan can help you enjoy your favorite activities once again. Contact O'Fallon Pain Relief Associates by calling (636) 978-3000 or send them a message online to schedule an appointment for lower back pain treatment. Like the practice on Facebook for more spinal health tips.
