
There are many different dental problems that you can develop throughout your life. Even if your family is maintaining proper dental hygiene, they may be susceptible to fluorosis and a host of other issues. Pediatric Dental Group in Honolulu, HI, offers information on fluorosis to help you prevent your kids from developing the condition.

Children under 8 are still developing their permanent teeth. This means their enamel is especially susceptible to exposure to fluoride, a mineral that is found in dental hygiene products and tap water. If growing kids are exposed to too much fluoride, their teeth may develop stains and marks that even the best dental practices like brushing and flossing can’t reverse. These blemishes may look like white patches or coffee stains and can affect the beauty of your little one’s smile. While they are not painful, they may influence your child’s confidence level.

dental hygieneThankfully, you can prevent these marks from changing your kid’s teeth. Read the ingredients on dental hygiene products before giving them to your children. Look for items with no fluoride, and encourage your children not to swallow toothpaste or mouthwash. They should use only a small amount of each. It’s also a good idea to test your tap water at home to ensure it doesn’t contain fluoride. Using a simple water filtration system can remove any traces of the mineral.

While fluorosis can be treated with bleaching, veneers and, composite restoration, it is much easier to mitigate the risks of developing this condition than to treat it later on. Take your family for regular teeth cleanings so the dentist can keep an eye any developing fluorosis. To learn more about fluorosis, call Pediatric Dental Group at (808) 593-8828, or visit their website to learn more dental hygiene tips for families. 
