
Tooth discoloration is a common problem, and one of the more typical reasons why a patient may schedule a teeth cleaning appointment. The cosmetic dentists at Waterford Dental Health, of Waterford, CT, understand how it can be disconcerting to spot visible discoloration.

Their goal is to help you understand what causes those spots and what can be done to remedy them. Here are three common causes of tooth discoloration:

  • cosmetic dentistBasic Stains: It’s not unusual to develop extrinsic stains, or ones that affect the tooth’s enamel. This may happen if patients consume beverages that cause visible stains, such as coffee, wine, tea, and soft drinks. Smoking can also cause stains to develop.
  • Inner Stains: These types of stains, also known as intrinsic, can occur for a variety of reasons. Excessive fluoride use in childhood may cause them, as could usage of tetracycline antibiotics during the mother’s pregnancy or during childhood. Trauma to the tooth could also result in discoloration.
  • Aging Stains: Sometimes, the progression of time causes stains to develop. Often, these are both external and internal stains. Some yellowing may naturally occur and may appear more visible because enamel wears away with age. Injuries to the tooth, such as chips and breaks, can also cause stains.

Fortunately, dentists don’t need to perform any specific tests to determine the problem. Some cosmetic dentists may suggest a powerful method of teeth whitening involving the use of a bleaching gel to significantly change the color of the teeth. A basic teeth cleaning appointment can usually eliminate those extrinsic stains quite easily. There are also many safe whitening products to use at home, or your dentist may suggest a mouth guard and bleaching product you can use on your own time.

If you’re concerned about discoloration and would like to resolve the problem, you can rely on the cosmetic dentists at Waterford Dental Health to provide a solution that works. Visit the clinic online to learn more about the services available, or call (860) 447-2235 to schedule an appointment.
