
Especially during the sweltering summer months, you need a reliable AC system to keep you cool. To maximize comfort and save money, you must stay on top of system repairs and potential replacements. Fortunately, at Niceley’s Appliance Repair, the top air conditioning contractor in Erlanger, KY, the experts have the advice you need to know whether it’s time for an upgrade. 

AC System Replacements: 5 Signs It’s Time

1. Your System Is Older Than 10 to 15 Years

Most AC units last from 10 to 15 years before they need to be replaced. If your unit is on the cusp, then you may want to have a professional inspect it to see if it’s time for an upgrade. If your system is still on older R22 refrigerant, then you may need to upgrade your system to meet current environmental standards.

air-conditioning-contractor2. It’s Grumbling & Grinding

An AC unit making a lot of noise signals an underlying problem. Sometimes, this revving and grumbling can be fixed with a simple appliance repair. Other times, you may need to replace the entire system.

3. It’s Kicking up Dust

Some dust collection in your home is normal. However, if you’re noticing more dust bunnies than usual, your AC system may be to blame. This may signal a leak in your unit’s ducts that’s filtering excessive dust into your home.

4. Your Energy Bill is Rising

If your energy bill is inexplicably on the rise, then your inefficient AC system may be the culprit. Sometimes, this can be resolved with a repair, such as an electric problem or drainage issue. Other times, it means you need to phase an older model. On the bright side, upgrading your system can save you money down the road.

5. You’re Uncomfortable

If your AC system inefficiently or inconsistently circulates air throughout your home, it may be time to upgrade your system. A properly functioning unit should make you feel cool and comfortable; so if you feel otherwise, seek the support of an air conditioning contractor right away. 

If you think you might be due for a new AC system, you’re in luck. Right now, Niceley’s Appliance Repair is offering rebates up to $1,500. They are also pleased to offer all the inspection and repair services you may need. Learn more by calling a friendly professional today at (859) 342-9900. You may also check out the air conditioning contractor online.
