
From food residue to soap buildup, several factors can contribute to drain blockages. The professionals at Mark Cromley Septic Service believe familiarizing yourself with these common causes will help you make wiser decisions about what you put down—and how you care for—your plumbing system. Based in Lewisburg, PA, the company provides area residents with septic tank repair, cleaning, installation, and maintenance services to preserve their waste management systems. Here, their experts share three common causes for blocked drains.

Drain Blockages: Septic Tank Repair Pros Explain 3 Common Causes 

1. Absent Mesh Screens

septic tank repairWhen you wash dishes and bathe, food, hair, and soap residue flow down into your pipes along with water. That’s why many people place screens over their drains. The mesh covers are designed to catch debris before it can gunk up pipes. If your drains aren’t protected, it won’t take long for solid waste to collect and cause clogs.  

2. Grease in Kitchen Sinks

Some people pour cooking grease down their kitchen sink instead of throwing it out with table scraps and other trash. Although grease starts in liquid form, it can harden along pipe walls as it cools. With no room to move down the drain, waste flows back up and causes clogs. To save your pipes, place grease in cans. After the oil hardens, throw it out.  

3. Tree Roots in Pipes & Sewer Lines 

The location of trees and shrubbery in your yard can have a negative impact on your septic system. Roots may push through sewer lines and pipes, eventually growing into your plumbing network. The overgrown roots block waste, forcing it to move back up through drains and into your house. If this happens, call a septic tank specialist for help.

To schedule an appointment for septic tank repair, pumping, or similar service in the Lewisburg area, call (570) 524-0249 today. Visit Mark Cromley Septic Service online to learn how they can keep your septic system clog-free, and like them on Facebook for announcements. 
