
When you have several prescriptions to take, it can be difficult to keep track of them. However, for the sake of your health, you need to develop a method that ensures you take all your prescriptions in a timely manner. Fortunately, the experts at Hickman’s Pharmacy in Princeton, WV, have the advice you need.

3 Prescription Organization Tips 

1. Use a Daily Pill Organizer

prescriptionA pill organizer, with containers for Monday through Sunday, will help you remain organized. Keep your pills in the same place, such as the bathroom cabinet. In the case of an emergency, you also may want to carry an additional organizer in your bag. Especially if you take several different prescriptions per day, it’s easy to miss one. To ensure there are no mix-ups, write a thorough dosage schedule outlining the descriptions of each pill.

2. Make a Schedule

Your dosage schedule should list all your medications and what time they should be taken. Add a box at the end of each row, and check it off after you’ve taken it. It’s surprisingly easy to falsely remember taking a pill that day, so don’t skip this step. You also should make a separate list outlining your prescriptions, why you take them, how often you take them, the dosages, and any potential side effects. If any medication is only temporary, make a note. 

3. Set Alarms or Use an App  

Several free medication apps on the market will help you manage your prescriptions. If you have a smartphone or tablet, these apps allow you to look up information about your medications and set reminders. You can also set daily alarms on your phone, watch, or another digital device.

For the support you need to manage your medical prescriptions, contact Princeton’s trusted pharmacy. Learn more about how the friendly, knowledgeable team at Hickman’s Pharmacy can help you by calling (304) 425-2188 or visiting their website today.  
