
There are probably a plethora of items on your hard drive: PowerPoint slideshows you created for work, home videos and movies from various vacations, and your favorite music all have a home on your computer. Sadly, those items may be at risk if they’re not backed up. If you notice these three issues with your hard drive, it’s time to opt for a computer repair before the problem persists.

Top 3 Signs You Should Seek Computer Repair

1.Reduced Speed

One major sign that it’s time for a computer repair is if you notice your machine is performing slowly. There are many things that can cause your computer to slow down – from lack of storage space to an undetected virus – but no matter the cause, you should investigate. Back up your files before doing any digging, and then check if the fault is within the hard drive.

2.Corrupted Data

computer repairHave you recently tried to open a file, only to find that you’re unable to? This could be the result of corrupted data. Data corruption occurs when your computer has an issue writing, reading, processing, transmitting, or storing files. If data corruption has occurred, it could result in several files being misplaced, or something more serious, like your entire system crashing. This could be the sign of a drawn-out hard drive failure and should be taken seriously.

3.Strange Sounds

Hard drives are normally silent, with the exception of a low-volume clicking or processing sound now and then. However, if your hard drive is beginning to break down, it could be emitting loud clicking, grinding, or squealing noises.


Think you’re in need of computer repair? Visit Radioactive in Kalispell, MT. The massive electronic superstore can diagnose and solve a variety of computer problems quickly and efficiently. For more information about their services, visit their website or call (406) 257-5999.
