
Diagnostic imaging is a tool that allows doctors to take images inside your body to diagnose and determine the best way to treat medical problems. There are a few different types of tests that provide unique images, so the right one for you is determined by your doctor. Hudson Valley Imaging is the premier medical imaging center in Monroe, NY and New Windsor, NY ready to serve you when needed!

Before you go in for your appointment, they say you should know more about the common types of diagnostic imaging used today:

  • X-Ray: This is the most commonly used diagnostic imaging tool. It utilizes electromagnetic rays to take photos of the inside of your body. Different types of tissues absorb the radiation emitted in different amounts, so bones will show up differently on the image than tissue or organs.
  • CT Scan: Computerized tomography uses a combination of X-ray and computer equipment to take cross-sectional images of your body. It requires lying very still on a table while it passes through a large X-ray machine and takes multiple images. Some tests require a dye, taken either orally or via a needle, to help parts of your body contrast better in the image. CT scans can be used to diagnose everything from cancer to internal bleeding.
  • diagnostic imagingMRI: Magnetic resonance imaging combines a large magnet with radio waves to align the hydrogen atoms in your body. This test is loud and can take a while, and you must lie still in the machine while it works. The time pays off, however, as the result is an extremely detailed image that is particularly useful for looking at complex parts of the body, such as your brain and spine.
  • Ultrasound: Ultrasound radiology uses a high-frequency sound wave to image the inside of the body, much like the way a bat sees by sending out sound waves and knowing when they bounce back. Unlike other X-ray tests, this doesn’t expose you to radiation, so it is often used for pregnant women or to see the organs.

Your experience with diagnostic imaging will be determined in part by how well trained your radiologist and technologist is and the quality of equipment used. Hudson Valley Imaging uses only state-of-the-art equipment operated certified technologists, and scans are read by  board-certified and highly trained physicians. Learn more about their digital services online, and call them at (845) 220-2222 to schedule your appointment.
