
Come wintertime, a snowy rooftop is not an unusual sight here in the Northeast. In fact, it’s such an idyllic image that it features prominently on countless holiday greeting cards. But as cozy looking as it may be, don’t forget that too much snow is bad news for your roofing system.

Read on for a brief overview of the risks:

What’s Wrong With Roof Snow?

roofingFreshly fallen snow may be light and fluffy, but the real problem is wet or compacted snow, which can be extremely heavy, and in the worst-case scenario it may cause a cave-in. Thankfully, most local building codes require that roofing be able to withstand normal levels of snow and ice, but it’s good to be vigilant anyway. If major snowfall is predicted for your area, expect to get your roof shoveled afterward by a professional. (If your home is only one story, however, you may be able to shovel it from the ground, using a long-handled snow rake.)

How Can You Tell There’s Too Much Snow?

There are a few ways to tell whether your roof is nearing its weight limit. One is to test it directly by removing a few shovelfuls of snow yourself: If it feels heavy or difficult, it’s probably compacted and needs removal. Just call a roofing contractor to finish the job and avoid injuring yourself. Another way to tell is by examining your interior doors for frame distortions and cracks, especially on upper floors. Be especially vigilant if you suspect your home has load-bearing problems—roof collapses are rare, but they are more likely to happen when load-bearing walls have been improperly demolished.


If your home or business needs heavy-duty snow removal next winter, remember to call Countywide Roofing in Elyria, OH. You can reach them at (440) 246-3328 for a fast response, or visit the local roofing contractors online for details about their services.
